Monday, August 22, 2011

Playa del Carmen, Nicole is 40!!!

Can we say, "ROOM WITH A VIEW?" This was from our front balcony.   
After a day of sailing, sunning and eating. Thanks Reilly-Ann!
Our own private terrace! Indulgent!!
Everyone should be game to celebrate as a dear friend turns the big "FOUR-O"...Especially when they choose to celebrate in this fashion. Thanks Nicole! (And Steph, Erin, Reilly Ann, Val, Mandi, Wade...) Spending not just a weekend, but FIVE days laughing, eating, drinking, laughing, sunning, shopping (and did I mention laughing?) made this one of the best vacations ever! I loved every minute of it - - even the 4 hours spent in the bar at the Cancun airport ALONE while the others tried to find me!

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