Saturday, April 9, 2011

Dogwood Fiesta Begins!!

We kicked off the Dogwood Fiesta season today with the annual parade. The season ends with the PAGEANT (said with a groan) on April 23. All of the princesses participating were asked to ride in a car in the parade.  Will drove Betsy, and at the last minute invited Deets and Major to ride with them! I am not sure who was more excited about being in the back of the truck...Ava or Deets. (Major slept through most of it.) The parade ended in the park where Ava was more interested in playing than she was selling baked goods at the bake sale. It has been a beautiful day and we have ALL had fun.

Pre-parade...before the humidity killed the curls!
Ava with a few friends before the parade. Who by the way, are all AT LEAST six months older than her! (If there was a TALLEST category in the pageant, I think we'd have it in the bag!)
You tell me...who is having the most fun? 

Ava introduces herself to those attending Fiesta in the Park!
Ava and her BFF, Karsen.
Taking time for some fun. We ARE at the park for goodness sake!
Thank you Nina for your help with the car signs!!

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